


Doktor Bilgileri

Eğitim ve Uzmanlık



  • Kronik Böbrek Yetmezliği
  • Hipertansiyon
  • Diyabete Bağlı Böbrek Hastalığı
  • Glomerulonefritler
  • Böbrek Nakli

Tedavi Yöntemleri

  • Periton (Karın) Diyalizi
  • Böbrek Nakli, Hazırlık ve İzlem
  • Hemodiyaliz
  • Glomerulonefrit Tedavisi
  • Diyabetik Böbrek Hastalıkları Tedavisi
  • Hipertansiyon Tedavisi


  • İzmir Tepecik Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi İç hastalıkları Uzmanlık Görevi
  • İzmir Bozyaka Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Nefroloji Kliniği Uzmanlık Görevi
  • İzmir Bozyaka Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Nefroloji Kliniği İdari Sorumluluğu
  • Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, İzmir Tıp Fakültesi İç hastalıkları Eğitim Görevlisi

Mesleki Üyelikleri

  • Türk Tabipleri Birliği
  • Türk Nefroloji Derneği
  • Türk İç Hastalıkları Derneği
  • ERA EDTA yeliği

Araştırma Yayınları

    • Dogan E, Eren N, Ozcan SG, Altunoren O,et al. Relationship between disease awareness and severity of kidney disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients. Ther Apher Dial. 2023 Feb;27(1):117-122. doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.13860.
    • Karatas O, Calan M, Yuksel A, Chousein R, Bozkaya G, et al. The level of the neudesin in type-2 diabetic patients and the relationship between the metabolic parameters and carotid intima-media thickness. Minerva Endocrinol (Torino). 2023 Sep;48(3):288-294. doi: 10.23736/S2724-6507.20.03217-4.
    • Aydin Z, Yilmaz M, Sipahioglu M, et al. Demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of adult-onset minimal change disease in Turkey: Turkish Society of Nephrology-Glomerular Diseases (TSN-GOLD) Working Group. Int Urol Nephrol 2023 Apr;55(4):975-982. doi: 10.1007/s11255-022-03382-3.
    • Simsir M, Yildiz MG, Karatas M, et al. Hearing Impairments as an Overlooked Condition in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transpl Int. 2022 Apr 12;35:10198. 
    • Yildirim akan özden, tatar erhan (2022). The Roles of Heat Shock Protein-60 and 70 andInflammation in Obesity-Related Kidney Disease. cureus journal of medical science, 14(9),1-7., Doi:10.7759/cureus.28675
    • Simsek cenk, karatas murat, tatar erhan, tercan ismail can, tasli funda, uslu adam (2022). Acute Allograft Pyelonephritis: Vague Symptoms, Indeterminate Laboratory Results, and the Necessity of Indication Biopsy. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 20(3), 117-124., Doi:10.6002/ect.MESOT2021.P51 (Yayın No: 7837042)
    • Karatas murat, okut gökalp, simsek cenk, dogan sait murat, zengel baha, tasli funda, tatar erhan (2022). Genitourinary Cancers Following Kidney Transplant: Our 20 Years of Experience With Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 20(3), 145-148., Doi: 10.6002/ect.MESOT2021.P72 (Yayın No: 7836664)
    • Karatas murat, okut gökalp, simsek cenk, dogan sait murat, tatar erhan, uslu adam (2022). Outcomes of 6 Human Leukocyte Antigen-Mismatched Living Donor Kidney Transplant:A Study With Biopsy Amendment. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (Yayın No: 7764083)
    • Bozaci ilter, tatar erhan (2022). Prolongation of QTc interval at the beginning and during dialysis is associated with hypervolemia and calcium and magnesium change in the first 2 urology and nephrology, 54(6), 1399-1408., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-021- 03016-0 (Yayın No: 8024140)
    • Simsek cenk, karatas murat, tatar erhan, Yildirim Ali Murat, tasli funda, uslu adam.(2022). Kidney Transplantation From Infected Donors With Particular Emphasis on Multidrug-Resistant Organisms: A Single-Center Cohort Study. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 20(3), 61-68. (Yayın No: 8024501)
    • Dogan ege, eren necmi, özcan seyda gül, et al (2022). Relationship between disease awareness and severity of kidney disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, Doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.13860 (Yayın No: 7744476)
    • Yildiz abdulmecit, ulu memnune sena, oruç aysegül, et al (2022). Clinical and pathologic features of primary membranous nephropathy in Turkey: a multicenter study by the Turkish Society of Nephrology Glomerular Diseases Working Group. Renal Failure, 44, 1048-1059., Doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2022.2079526 (Yayın No: 7744450)
    • Gül cuma bülent, küçük mehmet, öztürk savas, et al. (2022). Trends of primary glomerular disease in Turkey: TSN-GOLD registry report.. International Urology and Nephrology, 54(9), 2285-2294., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-022-03123-6.Dheir hamad, güngör özkan, ulu memnune sena,et al. (2022). Pregnancy and its outcomes in hemodialysis patients in Turkey. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 52(2), 354-360., Doi: 10.3906/sag-2106-120 (Yayın No: 7496536)
    • simsir melis, yildiz muhammed gazi, karatas murat, et al (2022). Hearing Impairments as an Overlooked Condition in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplant International, 12(35), 1-11., Doi: 10.3389/ti.2022.10198 (Yayın No: 7682689)
    • yüksel onur, pehlivan melek, karahan çöven hatice ilayhan, et al. (2021). The changes in the expression levels of -catenin gene in pre- and post- Kidney Transplants. Transplant Immunology, 69, Doi: 10.1016/j.trim.2021.101471 (Yayın No: 7342601)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, simsek cenk, et al (2021). COVID-19 pneumonia in kidney transplant recipients: A promising treatment algorithm in the absence of a disease-specific drug.. Journal of Medical Virology, 93(10), 5789-5797., Doi: 10.1002/jmv.27110 (Yayın No: 7307675)
    • turgutalp kenan, cebeci egemen, türkmen aydin, et al. (2021). The relationship between glomerular IgG staining and poor prognostic findings in patients with IgA nephropathy: the data from TSN-GOLD working group. BMC Nephrology, 22(1), Doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02560-2 (Yayın No: 7307639)
    • soyöz mustafa, pehlivan melek, tatar erhan, et al(2021). Consideration of IL-2, IFN-? and IL-4 expression and methylation levels in CD4+ T cells as a predictor of rejection in kidney transplant. Transplant Immunology, 68, 101414-101419., Doi: 10.1016/j.trim.2021.101414 (Yayın No: 7307682)
    • simsek cenk, karatas murat, tatar erhan, et al (2021). The efficacy of interleukin-1 antagonist drugs in combination with colchicine in patients with FMF-AA with colchicine resistance after kidney transplantation: A study with histopathologic evidence. Clinical Transplantation, 35, Doi: 10.1111/ctr.14309 (Yayın No: 7308227)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, simsek cenk, et al (2021). The relationship between serum uric acid levels and development of obesity in living kidney donors after donor nephrectomy. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 51(6), 1-7., Doi: 10.1111/eci.13507 (Yayın No: 7837598)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, simsek cenk, Yildirim Ali Murat, uslu adam (2021). The relationship between serum uric acid levels and development of obesity in living kidney donors after donor nephrectomy. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 51, Doi: 10.1111/eci.13507 (Yayın No: 7308233)
    • sumnu abdullah,türkmen kültigin,cebeci egemen,et al (2021). Characteristics of primary hematuria in Turkey: the data from TSN-GOLD Working Group. INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY, 53(5), 945-954., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-020-02690-w (Yayın No: 6715827)
    • oto özgür akin, öztürk savas, turgutalp kenan, et al (2021). Predicting the outcome of COVID-19 infection in kidney transplant recipients. BMC Nephrology, 22, Doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02299-w (Yayın No: 7308311)
    • bozaci ilter, tatar erhan (2021). The role of azurocidin in patients with familial Mediterranean fever and AA amyloidosis and its association with cardiovascular risk factors. International Urology and Nephrology, 53, 531-538., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-020-02652-2 (Yayın No: 7308244)
    • Aydin zeki,Turkmen Kultigin,dede fatih,et al (2021). Demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis in Turkey: Turkish Society of Nephrology-Glomerular Diseases (TSN-GOLD) Working Group. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology, 25(2), 173-183. (Yayın No: 6714985)
    • oto özgür akin, öztürk savas, turgutalp kenan, et al (2021). Predicting the outcome of COVID-19 infection in kidney transplant recipients. BMC NEPHROLOGY, 22(100), 1-16., Doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02299-w (Yayın No: 7365366)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, simsek cenk, et al (2021). COVID19 pneumonia in kidney transplant recipients: A promising treatment algorithm in the absence of a disease\u2010specific drug. Journal of Medical Virology, 93(10), 5789-5797., Doi: 10.1002/jmv.27110 (Yayın No: 7732104)
    • Uçar I Merve,Çalan Mehmet,tatar erhan,et al (2020). Correlation of serum C1q-tumour necrosis factor-related protein 5 levels with metabolic parameters and carotid intima-media thickness in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Hormones, 19(1), 559-564., Doi: 10.1007/s42000-020-00223-9 (YayınNo: 6343897)
    • Öztürk savas,turgutalp kenan,arici mustafa,et al  (2020). Mortality analysis of COVID-19 infection in chronic kidney disease, haemodialysis and renal transplant patients compared with patients without kidney disease: a nationwide analysis from Turkey. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 35(12), 2083-2095., Doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa271
    • Türkmen aydin,sumnu abdullah,cebeci egemen, et al (2020). Epidemiological features of primary glomerular disease in Turkey: a multicenter study by the Turkish Society of Nephrology Glomerular Diseases Working Group. BMC Nephrology, 21(1), 481, Doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-02134-8 (Yayın No: 6715932)
    • Bozaci Ilter,Dogan Ali Nazmi,aktar merve,et al (2020). Analysis of blood gas beyond bicarbonate in outpatients with stage 3–5 chronic kidney disease. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 0(0) (Yayın No: 6806764)
    • Bozaci ilter,tatar erhan (2020). Comparison of the Frequency and Severity of Depression Between Patients with Stage 4 and 5 Chronic Kidney Disease with and Without Kidney Transplantation. Medical Bulletin of Haseki, 58(4), 376-381. (Yayın No: 6797004)
    • Tasli funda,tatar erhan,karatas murat,et al (2020). Response to treatment in kidney transplant recipients with acute antibody-mediated rejection: A follow-up biopsy study?. CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY, 93(2), 85-90., Doi: 10.5414/CN109819 (Yayın No: 5589799)
    • Celik serdar,acar türker,sIMSEK cENK,et al (2020). The course of alterations in ureteral jet dynamics following kidney transplantation: a prospective observational cohort study. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira, 66(2), 153-159. (Yayın No: 6158091)
    • tasli funda, tatar erhan, karatas murat, et al (2020). Response to treatment in kidney transplant recipients with acute antibodymediated rejection: A follow-up biopsy study. Clinical Nephrology, 93(2), 85-90., Doi:10.5414/CN109819 (Yayın No: 7075747)
    • uslu adam, okut gökalp, tercan ismail can, et al (2019). Anatomical distribution and number of parathyroid glands, and parathyroid function, after total parathyroidectomy and bilateral cervical thymectomy. Medicine (Yayın No: 7763594)
    • Karatas murat,Tatar Erhan,Kiliç Mustafa,Et Al (2019). Surgical Stress Hyperglycemia Associated With New-Onset Diabetes in Living Kidney Donors. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, 51(7), 2228-2231., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.189 (Yayın No: 5562689)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, kiliç mustafa, et al (2019). Surgical Stress Hyperglycemia Associated With New-Onset Diabetes in Living Kidney Donors. Transplantation Proceedings, 51(7), 2228-2231., Doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.189 (Yayın No: 7075783)
    • tatar erhan,ok ercan (2019). Ev Hemodiyalizi veHemodiyaliz Teknolojisinde Yenilikler. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 60-64. (Yayın No: 5615075)
    • Hatipsoylu Erdinç, sengül ilker, kaya taciser, et al (2019). Assessment of subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 22(4), 185-191., Doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2019.13367 (Yayın No:7094288)
    • uslu adam,ari alpay,simsek cenk, et al (2019). Evaluation of a Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis Protocol in Cytomegalovirus-IgG Positive Renal Transplant Recipients (R). TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, 51(7), 2350-2354., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.01.196 (Yayın No: 5562829)
    • tatar erhan,tasli funda,Alpay Hasan,et al(2019). Patient with Renal AA Amyloidosis Following PulmonarycSquamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. Turkish Journal of Nephrology,28(3), 225-228., Doi: 10.5152/turkjnephrol.2019.3249 (Yayın No: 5590316)
    • yalin serkan feyyaz,eren necmi,sinangil ayse, et al (2019). Fabry Disease Prevalence in Renal Replacement Therapy in Turkey. Nephron, 142(1), 26-33., Doi: 10.1159/000496620 (Yayın No: 5380517)
    • karahan hatice ilayhan, soyöz mustafa, pehlivan melek, et al (2019). Assessment of Interleukin 2 Cytokine Expression Levels After Renal Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 51(4), 1074-1077., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.02.008 (Yayın No: 4894689)
    • uslu adam,okut gökalp,tercan ismail can, et al (2019). Anatomical distribution and number of parathyroid glands, and parathyroid function, after total parathyroidectomy and bilateral cervical thymectomy. Medicine, 98(23), 15926, Doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000015926 (Yayın No: 5560160)
    • Hatipsoylu Erdinç,sengül ilker,Kaya Taciser,et al (2019). Assessment of subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 22,185-191., Doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2019.13367 (Yayın No: 5536476)
    • karahan ilayhan,soyöz mustafa,pehlivan melek,et al (2019). Assessment of IL-2 Cytokine Expression Levels After RenalTransplantation. Transplantation Proceedings (Yayın No: 5072546)
    • hatipsoylu erdinç,sengül ilker,kaya taciser,et al (2019). Assessment of subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 22, 185-191., Doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2019.13367 (Yayın No: 5530505)
    • yalin serkan feyyaz, eren necmi, sinangil ayse, et al (2019). Fabry Disease Prevalence in Renal Replacement Therapy in Turkey. NEPHRON, 142(1), 26-33., Doi: 10.1159/000496620 (Yayın No: 5123178)
    • karatas murat, tatar erhan, kiliç mustafa, et al (2019). Surgical Stress Hyperglycemia Associated With New-Onset Diabetes in Living Kidney Donors. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS (Yayın No: 7764110)
    • tatar erhan,karatas murat,kılıç mustafa,tercan ismail can,et al (2019). Onset of Hypertension in Living Kidney Donors After Donor Nephrectomy: Our 20 Years of Experience. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 17(Suppl 1), 156-158., Doi: 10.6002/ect.MESOT2018.P32 (Yayın No: 5560325)
    • Eren necmi,gungor ozkan,kocyigit ismail,et al (2018). Acute renal infarction in Turkey: a review of 121 cases. International Urology and Nephrology, 50(11), 2067-2072. (Yayın No: 6099986)
    • Uslu adam,çayhan veli kürsat,simsek cenk et al (2018). Tubular vesicopyelostomy for the management of types 2 and 3 (long-segment) ureteric stenosis after kidney transplantation. The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 42(1), 3-8., Doi: 10.1177/0391398818796346 (Yayın No: 4600604)
    • Zihni ismail, SOYSAL VOLKAN, uslu adam, et al (2018). Development of metabolic syndrome after bilateral total thyroidectomy despite the L-t4 replacement therapy: A prospective study. Turkish Journal of Surgery (Yayın No: 7766266)
    • Güvercin Güray,Karakus Volkan,aksit murat,et al (2018). Matrix metalloproteinase-9, 10, and stress hyperglycaemia in acute kidney injury. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 48(7), 12963, Doi: 10.1111/eci.12963 (Yayın No: 4316506)
    • Tatar erhan,tasli funda,uslu adam (2017). Relationship between diurnal blood pressure and renal histopathological changes in white coat hypertension. JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY, 30(4), 551-556., Doi: 10.1007/s40620-017-0382-1 (Yayın No: 5536830)
    • Gireniz tatar bengü,köse sükran,pala emel ebru,tatar erhan (2017). Inflammatory Biomarkers and Liver Histopathology in Non-Uremic and Uremic Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic), 60(2), 71-75., Doi: 10.14712/18059694.2017.96 (YayınNo: 6134788)
    • Tatar erhan, uslu adam, tasli funda, karatas murat (2017). Relationship between diurnal blood pressure and renal histopathological changes in white coat hypertension. Journal of Nephrology, 30(4), 551-556., Doi: 10.1007/s40620-017-0382-1 (Yayın No: 7828659)
    • TATAR ERHAN,ozay emine,atakaya mehmet,et al (2017). Simple renal cysts in the solitary kidney: Are they innocent in adult patients?. Nephrology, 22(5), 361-365., Doi: 10.1111/nep.12778 (Yayın No: 4616506)
    • simsek cenk,dogan sait murat,et al (2017). Should interventional radiology or open surgery be the fist choice for the management of ureteric stenosis after transplantation? Dual-Center Study. Transplantation Proceedings (Yayın No: 4419345)
    • Simsek cenk,dogan sait murat,piskin turgut, et al (2017). Should Interventional Radiology or Open Surgery Be the First Choice for the Management of Ureteric Stenosis After Transplantation? Dual-Center Study. transplantation proceding, 49(3), 517-522., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2017.01.018. (Yayın No:4676262)
    • Tatar erhan, simsek cenk, tasli funda, et al (2017). Evaluation of Indication Biopsies ? 5 Years After Kidney Transplant: A Single-Center Experience. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 15(1), 265-268., Doi:10.6002/ect.mesot2016.P132 (Yayın No: 7828673)
    • okut gökalp, alp alper, tatar erhan, et al (2017). Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers After Kidney Transplant:Our 15 Years of Experience With Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 15(1), 236-239., Doi: 10.6002/ect.mesot2016.P112 (Yayın No: 7075695)
    • tatar erhan, karatas murat, aykas ahmet, et al (2017). Infections After Renal Transplant in Recipients With Familial Mediterranean Fever: A Life-Threatening Issue. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 15(1), 240-243., Doi: 10.6002/ect.mesot2016.P113 (Yayın No: 7833674)
    • tatar erhan,karatas murat,aykas ahmet,et al (2017). Infections after renal transplant in recipients with familial mediterranean fever: A life-threatening issue.. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (Yayın No: 4419332)
    • okut gökalp,alp alper,tatar erhan,et al (2017). Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers After Kidney Transplant: Our 15 Years of Experience With Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors.. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 15(Suppl 1), Doi: 10.6002/ect.mesot2016.P112 (Yayın No: 5174339)
    • tatar erhan,simsek c,tasli funda,et al  (2017). Evaluation of Indication Biopsies 5 Years After Kidney Transplant: A Single-Center Experience.. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 15(Suppl 1), 265-268. (Yayın No: 5590064)
    • tatar bengü,pala emel ebru,köse sükran,tatar erhan (2017). Inflammatory Biomarkers and Liver Histopathology in Non-Uremic and Uremic Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic), 60(2), 71-75., Doi: 10.14712/18059694.2017.96 (Yayın No:5563412)
    • Okut gökalp, alp alper, tatar erhan, et al  (2017).Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers After Kidney Transplant: Our 15 Years of Experience With Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (Yayın No: 7764057)
    • tatar erhan,mirli cem,isikyakar tolgay,et al (2016). The association of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio with clinical outcomes in geriatric patients with stage 3–5 chronic kidney disease. Acta Clinica Belgica, 71(4), 221-226., Doi: 10.1080/17843286.2016.1159797 (Yayın No: 4616470)
    • tatar erhan,sen sait,harman mustafa,et al (2015). The relationship between renal volume and histology in obese and nonobese kidney donors. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 45(6), 565-571., Doi:10.1111/eci.12444 (Yayın No: 4616580)
    • tatar erhan,uslu adam,simsek cenk,vardar enver (2015). Evaluation of late antibodymediated rejection (C4d-mediated rejection): a single-center experience.. Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, 131, 259-62. (Yayın No: 4603885)
    • köse sükran,tatar bengü,atalay sabri,et al (2013). Latex-related allergy in hemodialysis patients. Renal Failure, 35(6), 888-890., Doi: 10.3109/0886022X.2013.794677 (Yayın No: 5565011)
    • yaprak mustafa,turan mehmet nuri,sezer taylan özgür,et al(2013). Use of Suicidal Deaths as Kidney Donors: A Single-Center Experience. Transplantation Proceedings, 45(3), 872-874., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.053 (Yayın No: 4616719)
    • tatar erhan,kirçelli fatih,ok ercan (2013). The contribution of thyroid dysfunction on cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. Atherosclerosis, 227(1), 26-31., Doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.10.068 (Yayın No: 4614404)
    • tatar erhan,kirçelli fatih,sezis demirci meltem,et al (2013). Pre-transplant HbA1c level as an early marker for new-onset diabetes after renal transplantation. International Urology and Nephrology, 45(1), 251-258., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-012-0304-z (Yayın No: 4616549)
    • güngör özkan,kirçelli fatih,asçi gülay,et al (2013). Soluble TWEAK level: is it a marker for cardiovascular disease in long-term hemodialysis patients?. Journal of Nephrology, 26(1), 136-143. (Yayın No: 6847985)
    • güngör özkan,sezis demirci meltem,kirçelli fatih,et al (2013). Increased arterial stiffness in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Clinical Nephrology, 79(01), 1-6. (Yayın No: 6849141)
    • tatar erhan,güngör özkan,çeltik aygül,et al (2013). Correlation between serum YKL-40 (Chitinase-3-like protein 1) level and proteinuria in renal transplant recipients. Annals of Transplantation, 18, 95-100., Doi: 10.12659/AOT.883844 (Yayın No: 4616562)
    • güngör özkan,kismali erkan,sisman aliriza, et al(2012). The Relationships between Serum sTWEAK, FGF-23 Levels, and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Renal Transplant Patients. Renal Failure, 35(1), 77-81., Doi:10.3109/0886022X.2012.734890 (Yayın No: 4604318)
    • tatar erhan,turan mehmet nuri,firat ozgür, et al(2012). Use of Kidney Donors with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or Brain Tumor: A Single-Center Experience. Transplantation Proceedings, 44(6), 1601-1603., Doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2012.04.028 (Yayın No: 4616739)
    • soysal dilek,karakus volkan,seren ali riza,et al (2012). Evaluation of transient hyperglycemia in non-diabetic patients with febrile neutropenia. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 23(4), 342-346., Doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2011.12.010 (Yayın No:4614540)
    • tatar erhan,sezis demirci meltem,kirçelli fatih,et al (2012). Association of insulin resistance with arterial stiffness in nondiabetic peritoneal dialysis patients. International Urology and Nephrology, 44(1), 255-262., Doi: 10.1007/s11255-011-9984-z (Yayın No: 5632322)
    • sezis demirci meltem,güngör özkan,kirçelli fatih,et al (2012). Impact of mean arterial pressure on progression of arterial stiffness in peritoneal dialysis patients under strict volume control strategy. Clinical Nephrology, 77(02), 105-113., Doi: 10.5414/CN107223 (Yayın No: 4614494)
    • tatar erhan,kirçelli fatih,asçi gülay,et al (2011). Associations of Triiodothyronine Levels with Carotid Atherosclerosis and Arterial Stiffness in Hemodialysis Patients. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 6(9), 2240-2246., Doi:10.2215/CJN.02540311 (Yayın No: 5560425)
    • Yeniay Kezban Pinar,asçi gülay,güngör özkan,et al (2011). Nutritional State Alters the Association between Free Triiodothyronine Levels and Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients.American Journal of Nephrology, 33(4), 305-312., Doi: 10.1159/000324883 (Yayın No: 5631442)
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İyi Klinik Uygulamalar Kapsamında Aldığı Eğitimler

  • 1 Ege Üniversitesi Deney hayvanları kullanım kursu
  • 2 A'dan Z'ye Nefroloji'de Klinik Araştırmalar Eğitimi


  1. Immün Yanıtta Rol Alan Sitokin Genleri (Inf Gamma,Il17,Il4,Il2) Metilasyon Profillerinin Ve Ekspresyonlarının Transplantasyon Öncesi Ve Sonrası Arastırılması , Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi; MELEK PEHLIVAN ve arkadaşları
  2. Sfrp1 Proteininin Kronik Myeloid Lösemi Kök Hücresi Mirna Ifade Desenine Etkisi, Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi, MELEK PEHLIVAN ve arkadaşları
  3. Böbrek Nakli Sonrası Akut Dönemde Immün Reaksiyonların Belirlenmesi, Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi, MELEK PEHLIVAN ve arkadaşları
  4. CD8+ T Hücrelerinde CTLA4 Antijeninin Böbrek Transplantasyonu Sonrası Gen Ifade Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi, Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi, MUSTAFA SOYÖZ ve arkadaşları
  5. Damarlı kemik Doku Mühendisligi Uygulamaları için Kök Hücre Yüklü Nanolif Destekli Peptid Tabanlı Hidrojel Tasarlanması, Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi,MELEK PEHLIVAN ve arkadaşları
  6. 318S166 :Kadavradan böbrek naklinde alıcı-verici eslestirmesi için istatistik karar destek sistemlerinin gelistirilmesi, -Tübitak 1003, Erhan Tatar ve arkadaşları
  7. Böbrek Nakli Öncesi Ve Sonrasında Wnt Sinyal Iletimindeki ?-Katenin’In Ekspresyon Degisimlerinin Incelenmesi, Yüksekögretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel arastırma projesi, MUSTAFA SOYÖZ ve Arkadaşları


  1. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis Kongresinde Travel Grant Ödülü, International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis Kongres, MEKSIKA, 2010
  2. Türk nefroloji dernegi sözlü bildirim ödülü, 2018
  3. 38. Ulusal Nefroloji Kongresi, SÖZLÜ SUNUM 1.Lik ÖDÜLÜ, 2021
  4. 23.ulusal hipertansiyon ve böbrek hastaliklari kongresi, sözlü sunum 1.lik ödülü,2021

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