![UZM.DR. ŞEYMA MEMUR](/Content/images/DoctorImagesFolder/IZM/6828.jpg)
Doktor Bilgileri
- İzmir Hastanesi
- seyma.memur@mph.com.tr
Eğitim ve Uzmanlık
- Doğumsal Anomaliler
- Konjenital Pnömoni
- Nekrotizan Enterokolit
- Prematürite
- Respiratuar Distress Sendromu
- Yenidoğan Sarılığı
- Yenidoğan Sorunları
- Yenidoğanda Beslenme Problemleri
- Yenidoğanın Geçici Takipnesi
Tedavi Yöntemleri
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- Surfaktan Uygulama
- Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura Şehir Hastanesi
- Sbu İstanbul Kanuni Eah
- Van Bölge Eah
Mesleki Üyelikleri
- Türk Neonataloji Derneği
- İzmir Tabip Odası
Araştırma Yayınları
- Severity of Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Pregnancy Predicts Neonatal Outcomes. Yasa B, Memur S, Ozturk DY, Bagci O, Uslu SI, Polat I, Cetinkaya M.. Am J Perinatol. 2023 Apr;40(6):688-696.
- Premature Infants Born to Women with the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Infection: A Case Control Study. Yasa B, Memur S, Ozturk DY, Bagci O, Uslu SI, Cetinkaya M. Neonatal Outcomes of Am J Perinatol. 2021 Nov 28.
- SIMPLE: A Novel Scoring System for Predicting Hemodynamically Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus Without Echocardiographic Evaluation in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants. Gonen I, Babayigit A, Bornaun H, Yasa B, Memur S, Semerci SY, Cetinkaya M. Front Pediatr. 2021 Mar 23;9:649515.
- A Study of the Relatıonship between Cystatin C and Metabolic Bone Disease in Preterm Infants. Korkut S, Memur Ş, Halis H, Baştuğ O, Korkmaz L, Özdemir A, Güneş T, Öztürk MA, Kurtoğlu S. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol.2018 Jun 1;10(2):119-124.
- Thyroid status of iodine deficient newborn infants living in central region of Turkey: a pilot study. Bastug O, Korkmaz L, Halis H, Memur S, Korkut S, Ozdemir A, Gunes T, Ozturk MA, Kurtoglu S. World J Pediatr.2017 Oct;13(5):479-484.
- Investigation on malondialdehyde, S100B, and advanced oxidation protein product levels in significant hyperbilirubinemia and the effect of intensive phototherapy on these parameters. Sarici D, Gunes T, Yazici C, Akin MA, Korkmaz L, Memur S, Kurtoglu S, Ozturk MA, Sarici SU. Pediatr Neonatol.2015 Apr;56(2):95-100.
- Effect of iodine loading on the thyroid hormone level of newborns living in Kayseri province. Kurtoglu S, Bastug O, Daar G, Halis H, Korkmaz L, Memur S, Korkut S, Gunes T, Ozturk MA. Am J Perinatol 2014;31:1087–1092.
- Factors affecting Brucella spp. blood cultures positivity in children. Apa H1, Devrim I, Memur S, Günay I, Gülfidan G, Celegen M, Bayram N, Karaarslan U, Bağ O, Işgüder R, Oztürk A, Inan S, Unal N. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis.2013 Mar;13(3):176-80.